
  • Hat Etiquette 3

    Upon further research on hat etiquette I'm learning that, if you are a true hat guy it is as much about respecting the hat as it is about respectin...
  • Hat Etiquette part 2.

    Just For Fun: Old hat talk, keep it secret or (Keep It Under Your Hat). Things could change at, you guessed it. (At The Drop Of A Hat)
  • Hat Etiquette

    In a pool room there is "Pool Room Etiquette". There is also "Hat Etiquette". It has been customary and a matter of courtesy for a man to remove hi...
  • Own It

    I much too often hear men and women say, I can't wear hats or hats don't look good on me, or my head is too large or too small, or my face is too f...